Tuesday, June 21, 2011

I will be back!


I had always been impressed by several qualities of people.
What made them different in success, family, culture, and plenty yes-men!
I thought it was nothing more than a gift from God.

Despite it being true, it’s alas not complete in its entirety.

I realized attitude was the key to success in personal and professional life
I realized perseverance was the key to greatness as well
I realized faith and hard work was also a strong key to great achievements

I changed my attitude, persevered, strengthened my faith and toiled harder.

I became successful in my weltanschauung , and my friends; true success succeeds.

Trials came, I fought most, and I reluctantly ignored some.
More trials came, I fought some, and I deliberately ignored some more.
Much more trials came, I tried fighting all, and I was forced to ignore most.

I feel I ignored, cause I was restless in gaining more

Whenever, whatever I ignored, eventually became a lost success
I therefore lessened in my success rate, but I was still successful
More success lost, the lesser success I became, and from being successful to being there, to losing all became my forte.

I have come back to where I stood years back, slightly learned, slightly cautious, slightly same, and yet at times unnervingly alone. Also, I understand the pain of being ignored, hence I choose not to ignore and besides,

I still have
my success “story”,
my “reprimanding but there-for-me” family,
my renewed “not to ignore the little’s of life” culture,
and true (read “oft ignored, but still there-for-me) yes-men.
and now, the feeling that I was mostly right in my assessment.

Today, I want to continue with my attitude, perseverance, faith and hard work with the added pinch of experience of not ignoring trails to fate.

I will be back.
It is well.
It is better.

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